"Stay here until it's finished" is a command usually reserved for unruly children who are refusing to eat their vegetables at dinner. It's not usually the sort of thing you'd expect to hear as an adult at work. Still, while you might not expect it, you might also find yourself being told the same thing by a demanding authoritarian manager who has no idea exactly what it is they're asking.
In certain lines of work, "stand downs" are a very real thing for good reason: ensuring that overly fatigued workers don't pose health and safety risks to themselves or others. They come into effect when a worker has worked too many hours in a given length of time and usually will require that the worker is "stood down" following the end of their shift, usually 24 or 48 hours.
That's what's happening in this story: when their manager foolishly demanded that this supervisor stay late to help finish a report, the supervisor maliciously complied with that request, doing everything by the letter, ensuring that they stayed as long as possible, bringing their workplace's standdown policy into effect.
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