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There are hundreds of thousands of Karens out there in the wild. All it takes is one customer service job to encounter at least 5 of them in the span of a year. Why is it that Karens seem to get off on making a service worker's life miserable? Especially younger employees who are just figuring out how much entitlement is truly in the world. No matter how hard you try to exchange simple pleasantries, they will always find a way to combat it. That's because the truth is, they are not angry at you. Well, not just you. They are upset at everyone because they are upset with themselves. They just don't know it yet. Until they come to terms with their own shame, you will be their target. That's why it's important to understand what ways you can enact harmless petty revenge in the meantime.
The employee in this story works at a grocery store in a cashier role. Karen walks in, seemingly happy that their store is still open. When she is at the register being checked out, she scolds the employee not to bag her things, even though the employee was simply setting her groceries aside to scan the next bunch. She then changes her mind, and demands the employee to, in fact, bag her things. The employee decides to ask for her savings card (because she would save a whopping $85) and Karen cuts him off, demanding her total that instant. The employee digresses, leading to a very picturesque ending for an entitled Karen.
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