Saving up the necessary funds for a foreign trip takes years. Thus, you anticipate that the day will be perfect when it finally arrives after many hours of nonstop work and meticulous preparation!
The story below is an account of a frustrated friend. The original poster (OP) is traveling the world with one of her best friends. OP has traveled extensively in the past, so she made a point of doing the required research ahead of the trip. Her friend, on the other hand, was totally dependent on OP for direction and didn't give one cent about finding out where they were going to be vacationing. To make matters worse, she brought her mother along for the trip, which soured things even further.
So be sure to read the tale below if you're interested in learning the specifics of what happened and how OP dealt with her difficult friend! After you're through, don't forget to read the story of Karen, the customer who attempted to win a free lunch from the restaurant for the third time in a row but was caught by the manager!
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