Have you ever been involved in a workplace prank? One prank is fun, and it can really liven up the job and boost morale. That often leads to a second prank! That first person has to get back at the prankster, after all. And maybe the prank fight turns into a full-office pranking extravaganza, because everyone wants to get in on the fun!
Well, if you want to start your own workplace pranking spree, look no further than the genius answers from u/LastResortXL's question to the Ask Reddit community. They were wondering how to finish a prank war started at their own workplace: their coworkers greased up their car door handles and tied a trash bag to the front of the truck! The original poster was left with a giant mess to clean up, and a vendetta against the coworkers who got them good. Scroll down to read about the excellent pranks people conjured up, like the folks who froze a bike to a freezer floor, or the person who kept sending "black faxes." Incredible work, folks, keep it up!
Up next, an assembly line worker who came in two minutes late to work got an earful from their boss, so they finally stood up to their boss saying, "Nope, not my problem."
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