Bad business decisions? These people have seen that once or twice, and they told their stories to r/AskReddit.
Running a business seems like common sense, but there are a million little decisions that go into it. There's only a certain amount of money to cover all the costs, and only a specific amount of people who can be working at any given time. Still, some managers will decide that money matters more than other things, like customer experience or staff retention, and will start shifting their funds around. There are consequences to this, of course.
One person revealed that their boss lost a major sale because he was padding the client's costs by a few hundred dollars. Making money unethically is bound to backfire on you eventually! Another person revealed that their company decided to stop granting any refunds at all, no matter what the situation was. The policy was so rigid that it caused a bunch of employees to quit all at once! It's incredible how a little decision can turn into a company's biggest regret in no time at all.
Next up, this hourly contractor found themself making the "most expensive phone calls on the planet" after their bosses forced them into answering the 24/7 phone lines.
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