Graphic design is not these people's passion. And that's okay! They're just regular people making regular signs, for reasons such as "don't park in front of this trash can." Oh wait… we also have a few professional signs in here too. They're quite hard to read, yet they can be found in restaurants or in advertisements.
I think sometimes the graphic designers will make a sign, and their client keeps picking at it. They want it to be prettier or more attention-grabbing. So the artist reworks it again and again, only to find that it looks like a botched mess after a while.
Other people just didn't think things through. I really do feel for the person who got that tattoo (see #4) that was supposed to have the heartfelt message of, "If you stay, stay forever. If you go, go today." The first issue is that it's in the Rae Dunn font, so they'll have that on their body forever. They also chose a few cutesy "U" and "4ever" abbreviations, sure to make their tattoo appear young-at-heart forever. And finally, the message you get when you first glance at that tattoo is… definitely not the message they intended.
Next up, this grocery store employee was bemused as they guarded a puddle for hours on end, all at their boss's direction.
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Words of wisdom.
I'll reveal it to you in
Okay, it says "We love burgers," but it's weirdly reversed!
But it is still super hard to read!
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