Sometimes, employees who have been so profoundly mistreated have no other choice but to quit in spectacular fashion.
Of course, the ideal situation would be to leave on amicable terms. A clean and friendly exit can benefit the reputation of both the company and the former employee moving forward. However, one has to be treated with dignity and respect in order to return that favor to one's employers. If that social contract has been ignored, then workers should feel no obligation to their bosses or the companies at large.
This Redditor's entire department was replaced by contractors before they were then asked to take a 40% pay cut. Unsurprisingly, rumor has it that the folks at the top were not taking any sort of pay cut whatsoever. That was the final straw for the Original Poster, who decided to leave without notice and without wrapping up their current projects. This left everything in limbo for the company and caused a total organizational disaster. Oh, well! That's what you get, folks!
Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about an employee who got quiet fired just before her wedding.
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