It's the time of year where summer has outstayed its welcome. In the beginning of the summer, we welcomed the warmth and stuffed our winter jackets in the closets to switch to shorts and tee shirts. Maybe you took a trip or two to the local beach or took a summer road trip with the kids. But now, in the middle of the hottest months, we're all sweaty and cranky and we'd like less heat, please. Getting dunked in the pool sounds perfect right now, followed by drinking a huge glass of ice water. There's no end in sight to this sweltering weather… but at least you're not the people below, who are certainly having a worse day than you.
For example, you could be the parent who is in charge of four little ones for the whole summer (school's out!). In order to entertain the kiddos, this parent set up a kiddie pool, which most kids can spend hours playing in. Well, they can't play in it anymore, because one of those four children dumped a half gallon of milk in the water! Instead of playing in the pool, the family's going to have to figure out how to drain a milky pool and then refill it. Is your day going better than that? I sure hope it is. Cool down with these summery fails below!
Next up, check out these funny design fails that never should've made it past the drawing board.
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