We all have smartphones now. Aside from the few who opt to go completely off the grid, our cellular devices, tablets, and laptops have become a necessity in this day and age. Social media dictates the news, personal connections, and of course: up-and-coming memes that'll have you hollering at your phone in public leading you to look like you have a screw loose. What can you do? There are wins and losses that come with everything nowadays. If scrolling for too long is one of your foes, so be it.
Being self-aware is key. Memers online are well aware of their screen time issues, but what do we do when we have a minor problem? Complain about it on the internet. Open up Instagram and make a story post about how quirky it is. The iPad baby generations may have been exposed to too much screen time, but boy did they inherit humor along the way. Take a look at my favorite screen time memes for self-aware cellcoholics.
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