Some people are blissfully unaware of the world they live in. If they've lived a sheltered life, they may not know about the ordinary things that lots of people deal with on a daily basis.
If you've ever had a friend who makes more money than you, maybe you already know this feeling. Naturally, no friend group is all going to be making the same exact salary. Some people in the friend group are probably just paying rent and living paycheck to paycheck in a lifestyle with no frills. Meanwhile, that friend who went to law school keeps planning vacations to Cabo and bragging about their new expensive designer-brand clothing. One person is worried about keeping the lights on, while the other can't stop bugging everyone to take a group vacation to the Caribbean. That can cause some friction.
The people below shared their encounters with the out-of-touch folks of the world, but they aren't all just oblivious wealthy people. One person had the nerve to say that teachers are already paid enough… because they get their summers off. America's teachers would have a bone to pick with that person, since many of them are paid so little that they need year-round second jobs, not to mention jobs during the summer so they can afford their lifestyle during their off months. Check out more out-of-touch ridiculousness below, then read about these potluck dinners that went terribly wrong.
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