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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

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    "We put the air tag and the potato inside a sealed post bag and posted it to her mother."
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    Revenge potato after tracking tag found My kid's mother (my ex) is a control freak. We have shared care, week about arrangements. She demands to know her daughter's every movement. Texts constantly, checking up on her and a load of other overbearing nonsense. (One of the reasons I left her also) My daughter is now well into her teens. and fed up with the control. The ex tries to track her via various apps on my daughter's phone however my daughter is savvy enough to disable this when she wants.
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    So we went camping for a week in the summer with my new partner and her kids. I told the ex exactly where we were camping and our planned travel route. My daughter had had enough of the control and texts and turned off her phone as we left for the trip. We had to detour a bit due to roadworks and soon I got a text from the ex demanding to know where we were going and why our daughter wasn't responding. I was surprised she knew we were off track a bit.
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    Once we get to camp we go looking and sure enough find an air tag hidden. in my daughters bag. Both myself and my daughter were pretty unimpressed and almost dumped it in the garbage. Instead, we decided to have some fun. We were camping in a small town with a post office. We bought a large potato on which my daughter drew an angry face. Put the air tag and the potato inside a sealed post bag and posted it to her mother.
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    Over the next 6 days of camping, I received a series of increasingly agitated calls and texts from the ex about our whereabouts. She was freaking out as the tag travelled from our remote town, through another state and slowly back to her address. A week goes by fast and we head home. Drop the kids off to their mothers and almost forgot about the package as it hadn't arrived apparently.
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    A few days later I get an excited call from my daughter, who was grounded. The post bag had turned up at least a couple of weeks after sending. The potato had gone bad and turned to a foul-smelling mush in the bag that upon opening had spilled on the living. room carpet leaving a rotten mess with an air tag in the middle! Even better, it was the ex who opened it. I wish I had been there to see her face. Apparently, it was worth the grounding. The ex still tries to control and track my kids, but
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    Coygon 16h ago Kid is going to go no contact in a few years and Mom will wonder why. 1K ☐ Reply
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    blorbot 17h ago • Revenge is a dish best served au gratin. 2K Reply
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    • Helpful_Hour1984 16h ago Good one, kudos! If your daughter finds another air tag, tape it to a long-distance bus or train. That'll freak out mommy dearest. 178 Reply
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    Atlas-Scrubbed 17h ago . I am curious if this is even legal for your EX to do. While she is in your care, EX doesn't have a say - at least I wouldn't think so. I am not a lawyer so take this as a question. 278 Reply
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    • Impressive-Arm2563 17h ago Well played. Nothing worse than a helicopter parent. ↑ 79 ↓ + More replies Reply Stilletto_Rebel • 15h ago Po-tay-toes*! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in the post! 62 + More replies Reply
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    • lapsteelguitar 16h ago Now that is FREAKING funny. Seriously, it was 100% appropriate. Nothing damaged. Nobody hurt. OK, the potato made a mess, but that was not part of the plan. Just plain bad luck. I suppose you could have put it on a truck bound for? 35 Reply
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    • 2Dfruity 14h ago I will never understand parents like that, what does your ex think your daughter is going to do? Run away in the middle of the woods and join a beaver-worshiping murder cult? Cause gps tagging your kids is a sure fire way to at least get them to run far away when they're an adult. Then your ex will be convinced they did join a beaver-worshiping murder cult and she was right all along. No I'm totally not speaking from experience. 35 Reply
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    OrneryPathos • 16h ago Oh god. Rotten potatoes are one of the worst smells on earth She deserved it. But yikes. 26 д Reply
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    unicacher 16h ago • This is so beautiful! Since there's another responsible parent with her, I have zero problem with any potential issues I might otherwise have. Mailing a potato is so poetic. Yeah, tracking your kids is a good thing, but let them have some agency. The fact she was excited (?) about being grounded says a lot!
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    manniax 14h ago I have a new phrase in my vocabulary now..." Revenge Potato." Thanks, OP. Well done! 19 Reply Flux_My_Capacitor • 12h ago She will be the one complaining why her kids never visit after they turn 18. 19 Reply


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