"You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides."
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When you're a kid, all you want is your independence. It's the job of a parent to know just how much to give them as they get older. That, however, is harder to do than it sounds. Some parents tend to hold on a little too hard. For instance, this mom in this Reddit thread.
The mom and dad divorced and split custody. This mom became super overprotective. She needed to know where her daughter was every second of the day and needed to know exactly what she was doing. This was annoying for obvious reasons, especially since this daughter is in her teens. The dad was taking the daughter to go camping with him and her stepfamily. He told her mom exactly everything she needed to know and then had the daughter turn off her phone. Yet, she still knew exactly where she was the entire time. They did some digging, and sure enough, the mom had snuck an airtag into the daughter's pack. So they did the only thing they could think of, they placed the tag on a potato and mailed it back to her. By the time mom got the potato and airtag it was rotten and spilled all over her floor. The daughter got grounded by her mom, but a pat on the back from her dad.
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