Every employee wants to prove themselves in their workplace, if not for their own sense of accomplishment, then so they can prove to their managers that they are hard workers and are worthy of future promotions and reinforcement. The problem is, that there is a very thin line between proving your worth and being exploited, and managers love to cross that line in order to get more out of their employees, without having to pay for it.
It seems like the employee in this Reddit story has also been the victim of his company's wish to get them to do more work without compensation. After OP's (original poster) coworker left the job without notice, OP was forced to take on their responsibilities, without being rewarded for it. Then they discovered that the same coworker who left was offered the promotion OP was after.
Keep scrolling to read the full story. Up next, click here for a story of a job candidate who had to move state for a job that refused to send him a contact.
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