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‘Such a boss move in my opinion’: Entitled customer throws tantrum over cashier checking their $100 bill, so employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills

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    Customer asked to check if his change is counterfeit. So we did exactly as he requested.
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    A customer at my job paid us with a 100 dollar bill. We needed to give him 85 dollars change. We checked his 100 dollar bill using the counterfeit bill
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    machine. The customer got offended that we checked his 100 dollar bill and requested for us to also check if the change we give him is counterfeit. We
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    could have easily given him a 50, a 20, a 10, and a 5. But instead, my coworker got all the 1 dollar bills and scanned
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    them one by one to waste the customer's time and annoy him. He looked very pi d. Such a boss move my opinion.
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    Coolbeanschilly "I'm sorry sir, I need to keep all bills larger than $1, as I need them for other people who are paying with smaller bills. Oh shoot, you made me lose count, guess I've got to start scanning them again. No, really sir, I don't think I was at $82."
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    Full_Disk_1463 And now we have to close down in the middle of a rush because we can't give change
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    palandes I would've given him an $78 bill and a seven dollar bill
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    Murles-Brazen "We checked those already that's why they're in The drawer."
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    SnooHobbies5684 Imagine taking it personally that a cashier checks for counterfeits!
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    SimRayB I once received $100 from an ATM. I then drove down the road and stopped to purchase something. When I gave the cashier one of the $20 bills that I had received from the ATM, it test as counterfeit. The ATM belonged to a bank. I found that you cannot prove you received a counterfeit bill from a bank.
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    ChiraqBluline Did that with the swear jar at schools. Brought in all pennies for dollars (I'm talking dollars) worth of swears.
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    EBBVNC Many years ago, my dad and I made a bet about the price of a barrel of oil. I said it was going up, he's said no. I won. Specifically I won $142. Which he gave to me in ones.
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    aestheticeddy818 OP It's a standard operating procedure to check all 50s and 100s. It's nothing personal. So no he wasn't justified to be offended
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    Hag_Boulder My old job had us check 20s and above with the pen and the managers would take 100s to the office with the UV machine. (too cheap to afford one for every register.)
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    parsennik The only thing I had was a $100.00 bill. Full tank on my motorcycle. I went to 4 stores to buy something small to get smaller bills for the toll booth on the Maine turnpike. I pulled up to the booth and gave him the large bill. He was P ED. I explained that I tried to get change.... He
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    reached into his drawer and pulled out a wrapped sleeve of $1.00 bills, pulled one out to make change for the toll. . It wasn't till later that I realized that I should have counted my change before leaving the toll booth
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    daisidu During the change shortage I asked a lady if she had exact change, it was a small amount too definitely less than 10 cents. She was reaching into her purse to check when her friend told her not to. So she said no she doesn't. So I gave her about 90 something cents back in nickels. The look on her face as I gave her a fist full of nickels was so satisfying.
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    Some think the employee was being petty and childish

    Tharatan Honestly, I don't think that was an outlandish ask from the customer, especially since it really wouldn't have been a large amount of work at only four bills. Unless there was something else
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    Unless there was something else aggravating the situation, the cashier here. is just making more than 20x the work for themselves, just to delay the customer - and potentially everyone else stuck in line behind them.
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    Yes it's compliance, but what part of the situation really warranted that kind of a response?


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