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Some managers are obsessed with being as cruel as they can be. I understand that if you work in a busy restaurant and you're understaffed, you'd hesitate to send anyone home for anything less than a broken arm, a broken leg, and a broken back. While it's normal to be suspicious of employees trying to go home for bogus reasons, some reasons don't even deserve a second thought. For example, my boss at the dog bakery sent me home because my dog was dying, and I couldn't stop crying at work. Another "no questions asked" reason is that you spewed chunks in the bathroom. You'd think bosses would just believe their employees when they reported their ralphing while looking sickly and pale, but oh no. The boss in this story asked his employee to show him the vomit. When he did, he accused him of taking credit for someone else's sick.
Photo does not feature the actual subject in the story.