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Top 20 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #352

  • 1
    When you're wondering how qualified your vet really is!

    Sir, we are a cat, and even we know that this isn't the correct way to put on the cone of shame. However, we're also not complaining because we really don't want to wear it in the first place. We should consider convincing our hooman to change vets though…

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  • 2
    B 81921 They had brussels sprouts for dinner? No way am I licking that clean!

    Yuck, brussels sprouts? Thanksgiving is months away, why would any hooman in their right. mind cook brussels sprouts? We keep telling them, "Tuna is the best meal", and yet, they never listen. Don't they think about what I want to clean up from their plates? Hoomans are so selfish sometimes.

  • 3
    This week on "Suburban Gardens" we show you how to turn that useless backyard into a nip farm 4x4 ROLLYTRAC POWER I'm your host Diggin Furfunz
  • 4
    Studying the anatomy of a mouse.
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  • 5
    Confidence Level: 100% Блое
  • 6
    I didn't do it. You can tell by how round and innocent my eyes are.
  • 7
    Ssh. Don't talk to me before I've finished my coffee. It's tea. You don't drink coffee. RIVER ছ silk Exactly.
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  • 8
    When you're told to stand still for the photo.
  • 9
    The sound of the can opener awakened an ancient evil.
  • 10
    Oh good. You survived. That means food and water at 4:00, right?
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  • 11
    I don't chase mice... ...I wait for them to come to me and bow.
  • 12
    Cheetahs are so shy and socially awkward that zoos sometimes pair them with "emotional support" dogs.
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  • 14
    Vicious sibling attack Wcoming up!
  • 15
    Everyone has had bosses like this. Right? You'll stay until I tell you, you can go.
  • 16
    We've mapped out our day. Your room is next.
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  • 17
    Mom! The doggie got us all, ca in one lick! nizon com
  • 18
    Can opener! Will do anything to get there first! "Bump
  • 19
    Before the human arrives... ...upon arrival.
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  • 20
    For me? You shouldn't have... ...a bowl of tuna would have been better!


Next on I Can Has Cheezburger?


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