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I hate when parents feel the need to be brutally honest with their kids. Telling them the truth about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny is one thing, but giving them an itemized list of their faults doesn't do them any favors. Chance is that they know if they're not the best at soccer, and they don't need their parents to tell them. That's why I think the moral outrage about participation trophies is so funny. If the only medal you're getting at the end-of-year dance banquet is a participation trophy, you know exactly where you stand in terms of your skills, even if you're only 10.
Parents are some of the only people in your life who will see you with rose-colored glasses, so you might as well be that beacon of support for your kids. I you agree with that sentiment, the dysfunctional parenting posts below might be a prime source of entertainment.