These legal fights have gotten unbelievably petty. It turns out that you can hire a lawyer to fight for you to get back almost any belonging from your ex, including tiny things like shower curtains or door knobs. Who knew?!
Going through a divorce is never ideal, and having to split up your belongings after years of sharing everything can be a lengthy process. The lawyers who replied to u/ChronicWatcher1456's question have some stories to tell… A surprising amount of them have found themselves battling over tiny objects valued at under $100, all while getting paid their legal fees. For a lot of the couples going through divorce court, their relationship is already fragmented, and trying to steal your exes dishware or favorite blanket might be enough to get back at that ex in the pettiest wway possible. Still, these couples do have to pay their lawyers for the time, so they're spending hundreds to try to keep an item that's only got sentimental value. It's surprising how often lawyers will offer to buy the couple that small item if they just drop the suit against each other. But when the goal is to out-petty your ex, it's no wonder these couples push on with their lawsuits.
Next up, these people revealed the biggest mistakes they've ever made while at the workplace, like the bartender who knocked down an entire top shelf of expensive bottles, costing the bar thousands of dollars.
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