So many pranks and so little time. Having an office full of good-natured bosses and coworkers who can take a joke makes the work week fly by.
Some workplaces prank each other more than others, though, like the employees of u/Apatheric_Anger's place of employment. They wrote that since the pay was low, morale was raised every time someone played a prank. I'm sure that pranking higher-ups was especially common in an atmosphere like that. The employee writes that "few were immune to pranks."
Playing a good office prank can raise morale for an entire day. It gives the whole office the giggles as they wait for the person to notice the prank, whether it's a stapler encased in Jello, or a computer monitor covered in sticky notes, or a chair that has had every wheel removed and hidden. It gives every employee the chance to diffuse some office tension and participate in some good-natured ribbing… and maybe they'll eventually become the subject of the next prank!
Next up, tweets only get funnier once they're deleted, revealing that the author has thought better of the statement, like one person who tweeted and deleted, "I'm gonna be a better man today."
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