It's that time of the year again, the time where every holiday is celebrated with fireworks. It kicks off with Memorial Day in May and then just keeps going until the fall. Every holiday gets a plethora of colorful explosions. Some people love the spectacle and it will never get old to them. The loud jarring sounds, the beautiful designs of the fire. However, some people are not about them. Too many people lose a finger or a limb when lighting them irresponsibly, they terrify many pets, and they confuse the heck out of the birds. Not to mention the liter from all the debris… But like, it is pretty fun. So what's your view on the works? Are you pro playing with fire in the name of celebration or do you think we should adopt a new way of celebrating the summer holidays? Maybe we should do water works. Or silent fireworks. Is that even a thing? Might we suggest celebrating with memes about fireworks? Yes, we might, we will, and we just did below. So celebrate Juneteenth, the 4th of July, and everything else this summer with these funny firework memes below! Your fingers and limbs are safe for now.
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