This homeowner has found themself in an infuriating predicament. They're being bothered by an HOA. Not their HOA. Just an HOA that keeps sticking its nose in this homeowner's business!
There are a lot of people who feel that HOA-run neighborhoods are a complete no-go for them. When buying a home, they won't even consider living in a neighborhood that's run by the organization. Homeowner's Associations have gained a reputation for being money-hungry busybodies. Maybe you're thinking that that's too harsh. But did you know that HOA's routinely charge people money for things like parking in their own driveways, having a dog, grilling outside, or painting their house the "wrong" color? It's true! They don't often make the neighborhood look nicer. Instead, they just find ways to antagonize residents into paying hundreds or thousands each month simply to live in their own homes.
This person's situation is especially infuriating because they're not even a member of this HOA! They moved into their house first, and HOA came second after more housing was built. That's not going to stop the HOA from trying to wring some money out of this person, as you can read in the story below.
After that, these Renaissance Fair workers shared the funniest things people have ever said to them, like one person who wondered aloud, "Is that fire real?"
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