Baby names are a tricky subject, especially when it comes to people's opinions on what is appropriate and who gets to use what name within families, sparking arguments over whether naming your child "Khaleesi" is appropriate and which member of this generation of the family gets dibs on naming their kid "Theo." The family also might feel strongly about certain names being passed down by certain members according to "tradition," leaving those who are obligated to name their first-born son "Paul V" even feeling uncertain about it but going ahead with it anyway.
Some larger families might not find it to be a big deal if a couple of cousins end up with the same name; they'll just both end up stuck with some brutal nickname that they'll never escape from anyway, with neither of them actually being referred to by their matching name at all. Meanwhile, other families would probably be horrified to find that there were double-ups.
Still, without a doubt, if your own sibling has made it clear that they feel strongly about a certain name and are saving it for the child they hope to one day have, taking that name would be spiteful—unless, of course, you had no idea that your sibling was interested in that name at all until after the fact—and especially if they weren't even certain they were going to use that name but rather it was one of many from a list of names that they one day might use…
That's what happened when this new father was approached by his enraged, entitled sister, demanding that he change the name of his son, who had been born and named days earlier. See his post, along with responses from readers of this popular online community, below.
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