- 01
"Eddie, baby... i just saw steve"
Now that is a look that you ought to adopt as soon as possible. It is a distinct mix of shock, horror, disgust and hate that will send fear into the heart of anyone who is met by it. Even your boss while telling you what a bad job you have done. Just shoot them one of these looks and they will be backing away quietly.
- 02
- 03
- 04
"Sour cream and oniom"
When the only options are violent, then you are winning. It is like how you are meant to give kids options that a suitable to you when they ask for things. Except here the parent is a feisty feline with a lot of pent-up aggression. So the relevant options are a little fiery.
- 05
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- 13
"Dinner's on me guys"
- 14
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- 18
"He did it y'all"
- 19
- 20
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