Traveling for work is a way of life in many careers. Jobs often tell you this when you apply for the role, specifying what percentage of the time you'll be on the road. For many workers, this setup is a great way to see a little bit of the world, or just keep them from getting bored of their hometown.
This person, u/Bibby_M, has a great setup with their job. Though they live about 38 miles from their job, they only live about 5 miles from the nearest airport. That means that even though they travel frequently for work, they never worry about catching that flight. It seems like their workplace worries about it though, since they've recently changed the way they reimburse their employees for travel expenses. This employee was a little confused, but ultimately, it seems like it worked out for them in the end. As for the company, they seem to be penny-wise but pound-foolish, and as some commenters noted, keeping up habits like those will cost the company more money in the long run.
After you read this malicious compliance tale, have a laugh at the bizarre habits of this person's clueless but well-meaning husband.
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