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Why do they call it "working out?" The work part makes sense. It feels like work, even though you're not getting paid to do it. But where does the "out" come from? Where are we going? What are we doing? Why is everything so confusing? There are also so many terms for it-- working out, exercising, fitness, sport, getting swole… we have so many words for the thing that makes us sweat on purpose. It's such an integral part of our culture.
But it didn't used to be. In caveman times, existing was working out. We didn't need to go to a designated area to lift specially chosen rocks. We ran for our lives from predators and lugged around rocks because they were… our house. How far we've come as a society. Now we even have memes about working out. We've reached peak culture. Where do we go from here? Perhaps just more memes.