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There's no love quite like a granny's love. Unconditional, wholesome, and filled with endless plates of cookies, the ideal grandma relationship starts with a 4-course lunch (unannounced) and ends with a crisp $20 bill in your hand on the way out. Grandmas have a super secret special power of always making us feel good, protecting us from our parent's wrath, and saying 'Good job, kiddo!' even when we only graduated high school with a 2.5 GPA.
Grannies may not always understand what's going on, zooming in on meme pictures and asking if we know the person in the photo, but they'll always have our best interest at heart, smiling anyway when we make a silly joke. So if you haven't called your grandma in a while and you're thinking you should, give her a buzz right after scrolling this month's collection of family memes that don't fall far from the tree.
For when it comes to family, you're stuck with the one you've got! Love your grandmas as much as you love your cousins, aunties n' uncles, and even your siblings.