- 01
Just looking deeply into this cat's eyes for thirty seconds or more has been clinically proven to support the production of dopamine and improve mental stability by a significant amount. So take your time, take some deep breaths and feel your sadness was away. This is how we do things the fluffy way.
- 02
"Leo recommends aclawpuncher for purrrfect relaxation."
- 03
"Awe for real! I think its an orange tabby thing because mine is photogenic as well!"
- 04
"Cat Burrito to help you feel better"
Now we get into the really heavy hitting stuff. Just look how happy this cat is to be wrapped up like a burrito. That in itself is enough to boost any hooman's mood, but if you add to that the pawdorability of this feline's relationship with their pawrent, where they allow them to wrap them up like this. And it is enough to make any hardworking hooman's heart melt.
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"Aww little jaxzy likes getting tucked in too"
- 08
"Here is Runa. Visitor of 12 countries. 100+ hours of flight. 5+ weeks of sleeping in a tent in mountains. 4.6 kilo. Curious & unafraid to a fault. Highly socially skilled. Likes rough play."
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"My version is tall and relaxes in profoundly odd ways."
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"Looks like my baby"
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"My cat does the same pose with her curled feetsies"
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"My boys watching me on the toilet"
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"I do not have a void, but I do have an anti void"
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