- 01
"Forget juice = kisses time"
Oh the antics of Saturday night. We have all been in this position, coming home from a big night out with high energy and low inhibitions. Leading to some form of nonconsensual cuddling and kissing with our canines. It seems that they have cottoned on to the pattern and are spending their Saturday evenings dreading our return home.
- 02
"Pupper makes a poetic argument for snacks. "
- 03
"The dogtor couldn't save your nuggets."
- 04
"The research is heckin conclusive. The lab lab researchers have found all cat R bad. "
Well this is certainly good to know. And you know you can trust it if it has come from such an upstanding scientist working in such a high-end lab. What his means for your feline fur baby at home is entirely up to you, but we would be very careful, whatever you might want to do with this information.
- 05
"Stay tuned frens, once Top student Shoob gets a hecmin dogtorage"
- 06
"Pupperina regrets the date, and realises she shoulda just gone home and popped on Borklyn-nine-nine with a plate of chimken and a belly roob"
- 07
"Mud explosions cause millions of living room casualties each year, the doggos definitely hate the mud too (definitely haha...wait do they), so uhhh yeah Susan it was spontaneous."
- 08
"Doggo enjoys the serenity of the bubuling gulugulu stream"
- 09
- 10
"all of us when we see a pupper."
- 11
"Doggo meets a moo grass doggo, an introductory mlerm takes place and the world is healed."
- 12
"Bamboozled once again by the master bamboozler, doggo."
- 13
"The smol to lorge transition of a pupper has Confused science for millenia"
- 14
"Who could it be, if not him?"
- 15
"Doggo meets a mysterious new type of doggo. What shall we name him?"
- 16
"Doggo is very much into cardio (monching and chomping), weights (lifting pup his own body to get more food) and dieting (a steady diet of heck)"
- 17
"Sosig boi has been done s real predicament here when Sharon vacccumed and moved his steps to nap nap land. Will anyone do an assist?"
- 18
- 19
"Is this not the most stylish puppo you ever done seen?"
- 20
"The puppers at pupper HQ did a lorge archeological dig to do a discover and maybe even a fascinate."
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