One employee's bad habit was starting to impact everyone at the company.
There are two types of workplaces: the kind that punish you severely for being even a minute late, and the kind where people routinely stroll in 20 minutes late without a care in the world. Lots of places that are strict about tardiness are retail places or other places that do shift work. Meanwhile, lots of offices allow their salaried employees to come and go as they please, so long as they're getting their work done. Working at the second type of office is much more pleasant, naturally. Having to count every single minute of your workday takes a psychological toll… and it makes employees want to work just until their shift is over. Then they're heading home to forget about the work until the next day. Salaried workers don't always have that ability, but it's a give and take.
At u/Magnus_40's place of business, they did, unfortunately, have to deal with the shift work, down-to-the-minute kind of clock-in system. And they noticed that their coworker was clocked in, but just not really working for a big portion of the workday. Check out the full story below.
After that, this manager at a trucking company was stunned that due to a flat tire, his worker had been sitting idle for a total of 60 hours.
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