As we all know, cat adoption stories come in all shapes and sizes. From the more tame tales of feline fur babies being adopted through proper channels and finding their forever homes that way, to the scary stories of kittens being found at their last minute in dumpsters, clinging on to life with their little paws. And today we have the honor of sharing with you, our dear feline fanatics, 20+ heartwarming stories of how hooman pawrents met their cat children.
From the malnourished kitten whose determination and implacability kept bringing her back to her to-be pawrent who soon saved her from a premature departure from this earth, to the momma cat whose litter almost drank her into an early grave, rescued from a bush along with her lovely litter to live a wholesome and happy life in their new home. These sublime stories are the purrfect afternoon entertainment.
That is some heart melting stuff right there. What a beautiful story of belief and hope. To not choose the easy way out and to battle through the terribly tumultuous journey of nursing such a hurt creature back to full health is just the reminder we need that there are some seriously good people left on this planet.
A sublime story indeed, and a good warning to those who are in the process of considering adopting a feline fur baby of their own. Just like potato chips, it is really, really difficult to only have one and leave it at that. Before you know it you have adopted a Pringles can worth of kittens and your home has turned into one big cat café.
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