When working with a manager who is both incompetent and egotistical, it's probably a good idea to be cautious and take defensive measures… like maintaining a paper trail that can easily disprove any trumped up charges laid against you. It's always best to be on your toes and have a backup prepared, as they could turn on you at any moment should you question one of their decisions or even be too proficient and simply become too much of a threat. This means ensuring that your paper trail could still be accessed should you find yourself suddenly cut off from access to your work emails or computer.
When this writer found themselves faced with a new boss, it quickly became apparent that she had no idea what she was doing, making superfluous changes to the editorial style guide that were filled with errors and inaccuracies. Things began to go particularly poorly when she began reprimanding writers on the team for not following her changes, eventually going after this writer who flipped the script on her with a meticulous collection of receipts.
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