Midwesterners have a reputation for being some of the nicest people in the world. I may be biased, but I think there's a lot of truth to it. We're not plagued by coastal elitism, we drive friendly, and niceness is not usually a thin veil concealing an ulterior motive. Midwesterners usually tell it like it is. The flatness of the region makes us calm, and we're always on an even keel.
Seeing a Midwesterner truly lose their cool is as rare as spotting a bald eagle in the sky. The most heated you'll see a Midwestern dad get is if he says "Listen here, pal." It's as chilling as any expletive. But they will loudly yell at sports games, or while watching sports on the TV. That's when they get out all the aggression so it doesn't spill over into regular life. Today's Midwest memes celebrate our generous nature while reminding us where we came from.