When you get a signed job offer, the last you would expect is that the company would retract it. After all, once you've signed, you put in your two week notice and get busy preparing for your new job. You say goodbye to your boss and coworkers and fully expect to begin on the date that was approved by your hiring manager. If things go wrong, you're going to have a problem… you have bills to pay. You can't just not work.
One job candidate found themselves absolutely floored after their hiring manager called to inform them that they were retracting the job offer that was already signed… 1 week before the starting date. The candidate had already quit their former job and was in no place to be jobless. It's absolutely astounding to think that a company is so disorganized that they went through the entire hiring process with a candidate, only to figure out they can't afford to pay another employee.
Read the full story below, and then check out this interviewer who grilled a potential employee so hard that they actually got up and exited the interview.
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