Family dynamics are tough, and when it comes to siblings and cousins—as close as you might be—there's a very good chance that as you grow up you'll grow apart as you find your own path's in life. It's one of the hardest things to experience and leaves a lasting impression on you, but maybe you were better off without them. After all, they're all crazy, but you're not… right? Statistics aren't on your side but surely your apple must have fallen a little further from the tree than the rest of them?
Relationships evolve and family relationships with them, so drifting apart is natural despite it's challenging nature. Like any relationship, letting go of that history, emotional connection and shared experiences is challenging but can also bring relief.
I'm sure all of this is what this sister was feeling when she was pushed to the brink and forced to kick her brother out of her house which he had been living in. He had been repeadely refusing to acknowledge her escalating requests that he move out of the home that she had inherited, and she was finally forced to evict him. Now she has appealed to this online community to see whether or not she was in the wrong for doing so.
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