When it comes to the workforce, one thing you will never get promoted out of no matter how high up the ladder you climb is the constant inner battle between being petty or professional.
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What goes around, comes around, right? That seems to shine through in an extremely obvious way with this recent TikToker's situation. Steven Rios is a bar manager and prides himself in being a great manager. He always has his team's back and he keeps an open mind. However, his inner morals have really been put to the test recently when a familiar face walked in to apply for an open position: His elementary school bully.
This guy seemed to be your classic elementary school bully—played sports, was considered “popular," shoved Rios in lockers, called him names, the whole thing. But that was ages ago, so we must let bygones be bygones, right? Well, that seems to be easier said than done.
Rios says he saw the name and immediately knew it was him. He qualified for the position and the curiosity of who he is now was too good to pass up. So he came in for an interview and Rios was so ready to be petty. However, to his surprise, the interview went really well. It would seem his old school bully has grown inside and out. So now Rios is wondering if he should hire him or not… Tiktokers discuss. What would you do?
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