Not every Disney Princess is applauded for their taste in men, but for some reason, Rapunzel from Tangled Gets a round of applause for her man, Flynn Rider. But is it because of his charisma and charm? No, it is because Rapunzel was able to actually change him. She met a thief who wanted nothing more than to ride solo, but he fell in love and then changed himself to be a better man for Rapunzel. Many women strive to be the one to fix that fixer-upper, but very few succeed. That's one of the many reasons why we think Tangled tends to be very popular. We're not trying to encourage anybody to date a project, you deserve someone who will grow with you not use you to grow. But we do stan Flynn… But even with that applaudable achievement, Rapunzel is still a total bada - - that we could watch over and over again!
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