- 01
"Cat came home to wrong house"
- 02
"I’m pretty sure he belongs to one of my neighbors. He really wanted to come in."
- 03
"Pub Cat. A cat named Clement Attlee mingles with patrons, and yes, he’s wearing a ruff."
- 04
"NMC was meowing at my balcony door and proceeds to walk around like he owns the place!"
- 05
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"This NMC gave me a shock by slamming against my patio door while I was quietly working at the kitchen table."
- 10
"New neighbor moved into the abandoned yard and seemed hungry"
- 11
"Baby decided to move into our hotel room in Egypt"
- 12
"Was on holiday last month and this little cutie, who we named Baby, decided to set up home in our room. Ended up leaving the terrace doors open at night for her to come and go as she pleased, she spent quite a few days as well inside hiding from the sun. Going back in November and hoping she is still there!"
- 13
"This is Bruce (according to collar) NMC"
- 14
"Always comes to say hi when I go for a run. Such a cutie pie "
- 15
"Three weeks old today and counting! Mom apparently found the tote too tight and moved them… to behind a trash can"
- 16
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"My mom volunteers at a shelter every Thursday. I’ve had her start sending me pictures of the new arrivals."
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"Just showed up one day. They just sit a mew at each other through the door."
- 20
"Local babies. Photo dump"
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"Menacing beast. This beast of a maine coon came into our driveway today. Very friendly but could probably take me out so I’ll stay on it’s good side"
- 26
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"A miss single-brain celled not my cat enjoying the spring breeze."
- 28
"NMC kept me some fluffy company"
- 29
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