If micromanaging bosses would rather do all of the work themselves, perhaps everyone would be happier if they just did. That way, no one would be looking over anyone else's shoulders. No one would feel like they're being watched at all times of the day. Furthermore, no one would feel like their process of getting things done was not respected.
Here, we have a micromanaging boss who kept listening in on their employees' calls with customers and correcting them in the middle of the class. Not only was this distracting and unhelpful for the employee, but it was also just an all-around bad look from the customer's perspective. After a while of trying to strike a balance between doing their job and pleasing their boss, the Redditor decided that if their boss wanted to micromanage, they might as well just handle all these phone calls themselves. Slowly but surely, the employee had fewer responsibilities and their boss no longer had to breathe down anyone's neck.
Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions from folks in the comments section. When you're done, take a look at this post about a manager who ignored an employee's conflict.
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