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According to Huffpost, the kitten was deemed "the most responsible kitten in the world" after being found watching over three kittens whose mother couldn't be found anywhere. The little hero was named Binx. "[T]he person who found them told us that he's been taking care of babies, and we think this is about the cutest thing ever"
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Realizing that the kittens shouldn't be separated, the person who rescued them brought them to the shelter together. Although the kittens needed their mother at this young stage, Binx was looking out for the "little ones" and doing his best to take care of them. No one knows what happened to the mother, but all four kittens - Binx, Ollie, Frankie and Ziggy - are "doing great so far". All the kittens went to a foster home together, "because how could we split them up?"
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