If you ever wanted to know what a day in the life of an influencer is like, let us clue you in. Thanks to one person's question to r/AskReddit, more than 1,000 friends and spouses of influencers told their tales of what it's like.
A lot of it depends on how many followers the person has. For influencers with hundreds of thousands, it can take over their whole life. Some people shared that they got tired of having to wait for every meal to be photographed, and every party documented in great detail. It takes away from the joy of the moment if you have to stop and take 100 photos just to get one that one friend likes.
Even for people with fewer followers, the pressure is still on. One person shared that while they liked working with influencers, the wanna-be influencer types were often impolite and demanding. They wanted so badly to be seen as a celebrity that they apparently want everyone to treat them like VIPs, whether they've earned that or not. It sounds exhausting to keep up that kind of lifestyle, and a lot of people admitted that they've stopped keeping up with their influencer friends' lifestyle.
Next, these people were stunned to find out they were fired for some pretty silly reasons, like the person who "left pool noodles outside on accident" and got fired for that one transgression.
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