You are not a simple person, you need to be at least moderately knowledgeable in anything and everything that catches your fancy. You might not become a master in everything you pick up, but you still enjoy it and that makes it yours. It's called having a hobby and we are all about it. Why be really really good at just knitting, when you could be okay at knitting but also good at salsa, yo-yo, painting, and baking? When you get really really good at something, in our society, you are then encouraged to turn it into a form of money-making, and that can end those good vibes with that hobby. It's unfortunate, but true. So get yourself a bunch of hobbies, and if one starts to lose its luster, switch on over to the next. It hurts no one, and benefits you, AND the economy, so why not? If you are catching what we're putting down, then go ahead and collect these funny memes below.
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