This grandpa wasn't about to let some silly little building codes stop him from achieving his dreams. In fact, it seems like he took these codes like a personal challenge, and decided to find any possible way around them. This involved a lot of crafty thinking on his part!
You've got to keep your house up to code. It's how we collectively avoid houses where you get an electrical zap from turning on a light switch, and codes often require handrails so folks don't go tumbling down staircases. There are important reasons for codes to be in place, and unlike this dude, most people don't get to challenge them. You just have to abide by these regulations. For u/Frolicking-Fox's grandfather, however, these rules were more of a suggestion. This grandpa wanted to build a really tall house, and he apparently had a "shady side" that made him coy enough to bend the rules.
You can check out this great malicious compliance story below, as well as comments from people who had some questions and concerns about Grandpa's methods. Then, check out the story of an employee who got to chill for five years straight after they automated their job and continued to get raises and praise from their bosses.
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