Before online shopping, you had to buy from the stores around you, and just hope they had that thing you wanted. These days, the internet serves us hyper-specific ads, and whatever you want, you can get it in any color, from anywhere in the world. But if you want to give your money to someone closer to home, there are always online marketplaces, like Craigslist, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace. Facebook Marketplace in particular has gained a reputation or two. It's a great place to buy things---but you're going to have to overlook some crazy posts from sellers while you're looking for a deal.
Check out the utterly bizarre things people are selling online these days. There are always a few people who aren't selling something, but are actually asking for help with a chore. Oh, that massive box of gravel and dirt is "for sale"? No way buddy, you just want someone who will haul away hundreds of pounds of rocks for free. Other people are selling things that are a bit suspicious, like a sandwich counter they somehow got a hold of.
After you check out these hilarious marketplace mishaps, read about the woman who led the pettiest war ever against some of her neighbors.
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