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‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

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    "I have been on and off teetering on the edge of rage quitting since 2021."
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    I quit my job yesterday Vent Straight up pulled the plug for my mental health. Without anything lined up. Had [yet another] breakdown, got the blessing from my amazing. husband (we essentially built our own severance package) and did it within a few days of deciding. Gave a one month notice.
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    For context, I have been on and off teetering on the edge of rage quitting since 2021 before my first son was born. Hung in there (miraculously) to get 2 mat leave benefits. The stressful big banking industry in general has always been a bad fit for my personality, I was only there for the good money. My boss is a ick, his boss is a thousand times worse,the majority of my colleagues are difficult.
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    The crazy deadlines and accompanying shows have given me panic attacks over the years. It's gotten worse since my return from leave this past February, I have 30 days of accrued PTO over the course of 4 years which I have not been allowed to use for the next several months with no end in sight due to company integration and us being a skeleton crew. Unless it's a half day here n there. JCK THAT.
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    Anyways after having two kids going back to this job has set me over the edge. The stress of it has clouded my free time, I do not enjoy anything anymore. My youngest is 6 months so there may be some PPA/PPD playing a part, not to mention my youngest being a bad sleeper and keeping everyone up all night teething for the past few weeks.
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    My husband does not share my anxious nature and is "not worried" about me finding another job, even in this horrible market. I work in finance and accounting and the few recruiters and hiring manager contacts I've reached out to tell me I have a "fantastic resume" and are excited that I am available. But I feel so lost and like a failure for it being able to stay in that horrible job until I found another, for my family, like we're "supposed to do". I simply did not have time job hunt while runn
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    TLDR: I have to say, reading the success stories on this sub of similar situations has been encouraging as I made this decision and embark on the path to becoming happy again. Please DM if you are in a similar situation and need company, and feel free to share your success story in the comments.
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    remfem99 13h ago Hey, I am right there with you. Except I haven't quit yet. Also in the finance industry. My mental health has been I since I came back from absolutely my second maternity leave last summer, and it's really taken a nosedive since my immediate boss and another coworker quit at year end last year, essentially forcing me to do the job of 3 people for a small pay raise and no title promotion.
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    I've been begging my husband to let me pull the plug but he unfortunately does not want me to quit without having something else lined up. Major kudos to your husband for understanding the situation and putting your mental health first. You are not a failure. Try to reframe it as a positive move for your mental health, and in turn your physical health. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting here at home after putting the kids to bed, working on a ridiculous deadline. I'm also trying to update my resum
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    mamasau 12h ago • I worked in this type of environment in my 20s (in NYC). It was hard then and I wasn't even on a team that worked late a lot, my hours weren't horrible but the environment was so hostile, and the times I would need to work late were totally unpredictable. I think even the people who like the substance of the work are still pretty miserable because of the culture, that goes for the men too.
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    I went and got my MBA to change paths when I was 28, had my first child at 33 and have great work/life balance now. I still do a finance role but now I'm at a major bank in an operations group. There is no way I could have continued working in that environment post kids. I wouldn't feel guilty at all if I were you. I hope you land something great!
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    Time-Emphasis2117 9h ago Wow, I relate so much to this. My kids are 3.5 & 5. When baby 2 was 1.5, I moved from the industry to consulting. Consulting is horrible horrible horrible, especially for people with young kids. I burned out within 1.5 years and rage quit in December. With my husband's blessing. Ngl, it is tough. Market is .. Very few call backs. But like your husband, my husband is not the anxious types either.
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    I am using this break to upskill myself. I have enrolled in niche classes related to my domain. I am also working on being more assertive & understanding power dynamics. All this to get myself ready for my next gig! I hope it works out for you. Feel free to DM me if you ever want to chat
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    clairedylan 11h ago I'm proud of you! Sounds amazing and like the very best choice. And it sounds like you will absolutely find something again soon so use this horrible job as a positive force and play up your experience to get a better job! I contemplated doing this in the fall but for me I was just burnt out and was able to find ways to fix it.
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    I go through periods of stress still but I do get to take my unlimited PTO and my bosses and colleagues are very nice so I stay and give myself grace. But you my friend sound like you need a fresh start from a toxic place. Enjoy your time off and find your happiness!!


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