Spring is beginning to spring. The flowers are about to bloom, the grass is getting green again, and I'm starting to sneeze. It's a beautiful time of the year, but it's also the harbinger of spring break. And as a parent, spring break is less party all night long doing shots on Miami beach and more taking the kids to Disney World, spending $11 on a Mickey-shaped churro, and feeling like you're too old to go on Space Mountain. How the sands of time flow.
Taking kids on vacation is a job in itself. Packing their little suitcases, making sure they're quiet on the plane, and trying to plan family activities while also taking time for yourself? This is when I wish I had an assistant. But it's all worth it when they see the princess's castle and say, "Thanks, mom." Does that actually happen? At least I have these parenting tweets to keep me company.