When you're a young adult, figuring out your finances is one of the hardest life things you're tasked with. If you weren't taught financial literacy growing up, it's easy to be flying blind, especially once you get your first job. Getting paychecks is exciting, and if you've never had that kind of money before, it feels exciting to spend. Opening up your first credit card is also a big step. It can feel like free money, but boy is it not. If you slide by paying the minimum, it's really easy to slide into debt, which just keeps getting harder and harder to get out of. These are the things you have to figure out when you're a young person trying to make it on your own. And sometimes you have to fail spectacularly before you learn your lesson.
That's why this Reddit post was so relatable-- it's a common situation that many of us have found ourselves in, and it took a mom putting her foot down to get things straight.