Imagine getting asked what kind of tree you think you would be while interviewing for a welder position?…
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Are you job hunting? Or have you ever been in the market for a new career? Applying is already stressful, but then comes the interview part and that can be even more nerve-wracking. You can Google interview questions all you want and practice your little shpeal in the mirror for hours, but they always seem to come at you with a curve ball that catches you off guard. So what do you do?
Well, you would assume whatever questions they ask are about the job, so as long as you're applying for a job you would be confident in, then you could probably handle any questions they ask. Right? WRONG. Why? Because some entitled heinous interviewers love to ask pointless questions that have no other purpose than to throw you off your game. You are applying for a blue-collar physical labor job? Then why did they ask you who your favorite Disney character is? Interview for an HR position? You better know why manholes are round…
See the ridiculous questions people have been asked during job interviews below! And get more workplace drama here.
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