Handling payment between two companies is never easy business. Each company has its own regulations and policies regarding their money, it is often hard to manage even the most simple payment.
Much like the companies in this Reddit story. The person who wrote this story (OP) is an employee in a tech company that supplies and installs tech equipment to other small companies. Their policy states that until the payment for the equipment is fully paid, the ownership of it remains in the hands of the tech company. OP tells the story of a company that failed to pay for the equipment they got and kept making excuses for it. Until OP's boss was tired of it, and he instructed his employees to physically go to that company's office and take all of their equipment back, since it was still legally theirs.
Scroll down to read what happened next. Once you are done with this story, click here for another story of an employee who got sent home because of their shoes being the wrong color.
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