Why is it that men convince you they love you wholeheartedly, so you trust them and give them your whole heart, but then they betray you and you leave with a broken heart and yet somehow you're the crazy one?? The math ain't mathin', sweetie. Women are not dating men to be their mothers, therapists, or personal assistants. They are dating someone to connect on an astral plain. To be actually understood and appreciated. Someone to love both their dark and light sides, just like we do in return. Why is that so complicated? Oh, you wanna keep things casual? You don't want our souls to intertwine and risk your entire being for this potential love? Sorry, but we're not settling anymore. We are women. Men used to go to war for us. Masterpieces of art used to be created of us. And you think all we deserve is a “u up?” text. Pass. These memes are for the ladies who have had their awakening and are done with these men. NO MORE SETTLING, LADIES!
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