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This past week, those of us living in the United States experienced a time change. Daylight savings time has officially begun, making all of us go to work an hour earlier than we did just last week.
While that's all standard and routine, we're not the only ones going through a time change. Star Trek had a significant shift in the canon timeline in the past year, correcting some contradictions in the series timeline. An episode of Star Trek; Strange New World pushed back the timeline so the Eugenics War didn't canonically occur in the 1990s. Instead, time travelers going back to stop said events from occurring have messed up the timeline, but the rise of Khan happens regardless of those time travelers' best efforts. The pushing back of the timeline is a necessity, much like the deletion of an extra hour this Saturday night. If you can't keep these Star Trek timelines straight, these Star Trek memes might help you out.